Are you using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in your work? Maybe you have been exploring the abilities of ChatGPT or Dall-e? Perhaps you are a copyrighter, maybe you are using AI for your own blogs, maybe for business research, are you a designer using AI to help with graphics?
AI is a useful tool, but should be used with caution. The AI world is currently unregulated (as such), although the UK government has set out some proposals for how AI should be governed (www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-ai-strategy / Establishing a pro-innovation approach to regulating AI (publishing.service.gov.uk).) Currently, the main pieces of legislation that govern the use of AI is the existing intellectual property and data protection laws.
Here are some of the issues you need to be considering before using AI in your business:
1. What are you inputting into the AI software platform?
Are you using your own content or someone else’s? Make sure you either own all the content yourself or you have permission (in the form of an IP licence) from the owner before inputting into AI. Otherwise there is a risk of IP infringement here.
2. Read the AI Software Platform T&Cs.
You need to check what you can do with the outputs from the AI software platform. Will the AI software platform retain the IP in the outputs? Are there restrictions on what you can do with the content that has been output? Can you use it in your business / for commercial gain? All the AI platforms have different IP clauses – so read them carefully and make sure you have all the rights you need for your business purposes.
3. Don’t breach the AI Software Platform T&Cs.
You don’t want to be the subject of an IP infringement claim or a breach of contract claim. So read carefully and comply. If the T&Cs don’t allow you to use the outputs for the purpose you need, then you will need to find another AI provider to help you meet your requirements.
4. Are you bothered if the AI Software Platform can re-use your content?
When using an AI platform you will be inputting content into their system – most will have the ability / permission (via their T&Cs) to re-use your input content. Are you comfortable with this? Do you have all the permissions to input third party content and for it to be re-used by the AI platform? It is important to check this out first. Anything that needs to be kept proprietary probably shouldn’t be input. You should check with the relevant third party whether you can input their content into an AI platform. Always be mindful of how your input content will be used by the AI provider!
5. Are there any data protection considerations?
It all depends on whether you are inputting any personal data into the AI platform. If you are, then all the data protection laws and regulations must be complied with. Tread carefully!
If you need any help deciphering how you can use AI in your business then get in touch with me and I will help you unravel the ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’.