This tookit is for any type of coach offering coaching services to organisations.
It contains business and legal documents to take coaches through the whole process of engaging a client. From working out budgets and proposal documents, through to all the legal templates you need to protect you from legal risks. This toolkit will take you seamlessly through the costing, proposing and contracting process. There is also an AI clause within the required documents to ensure transparency requirements are adhered to. A beginning to end process!
The BizCoach+Legal toolkit contains the following documents:
- Coaching and Training Proposal Template – so you can set out a professional proposal document to win your client.
- Template Budget Spreadsheet – a really handy spreadsheet tool to help you budget for each of your projects and so your proposal can include relevant and comprehensive budgeting and fee details.
- Coaching Services Agreement for Organisations Template – the legal agreement setting out the terms and conditions for providing your coaching services to organisations. This sets out how the services will be provided, client responsibilities, fee details, payment terms, intellectual property terms, confidentiality, data protection requirements (including the need for your clients to get consents from their employees for you to coach them), coaching disclaimers, terms relating to online and face-to-face coaching sessions and all the usual legal terms to protect your liability levels and other legal risks. The agreement contains a handy front table in which you can set out the commercial terms for each client and allows you to easily use sections of your proposal and budgeting documents to populate. This agreement also has a section dealing with AI usage to ensure transparency and that GDPR requirements are met.
- Coachee Coaching Template – the policy you will need to give to the employee’s of your client – the people who are receiving the coaching services – your coachee’s. This template also has a section dealing with AI usage to ensure transparency and that GDPR requirements are met.
- Coaching Privacy Policy – a policy to be kept on your website setting out your privacy practices – ensuring your compliance with the UK data protection laws. This policy also has a section dealing with AI usage to ensure transparency and GDPR requirements are met.
- Coaching Cookie Policy - a policy to be displayed on your website setting out what cookies your website uses, again ensuring compliance with the UK GDPR.
- Amendment Agreement Template – a document you can use to amend the terms of your Coaching Services Agreement in case the project scope changes/extends with a client. Meaning there is no need to draft and enter into a completely new agreement!
This product is for UK based customers only. On purchasing you are agreeing to the confirmation that you are a UK based customer.
BizCoach+Legal Toolkit
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